We are using website as a keyword.
Note : whatever keyword you use will be case insensitive. OK.
A post content must contains H1, H2 and H3 Tags in it.
Now this line on this website has H1 tag in it
Now this line has H2 tag in it and our keyword website is also in this line
Now this line has H3 tag in it and here is keyword Website
Another way of writing an effective post.
Seo Pressor Plugin will automatically Bold, italize and underline the keyword we choose. But it will work for only 3 occurrence of that keyword. That word will be shown normal when used fourth time in the same post. It will also add that keyword into the title of the Post.
This website is great. Now i want to see what is this website created for. Can someone tell me why this website is so much important for me.
If you are using the images in the post then it will also add that keyword as alt tag for all images in that post. But this option is not useful for my websites.
A post must have link to other post or pages of your website.
As each post have a keyword so whatever keyword you choose by seo pressor must be used more and more in that post.
I think all above instruction to write an effective post are sufficient.
Some Tips:
Google likes longer than shorter content.
Your keyword density is also an important factor that can influence how you rank.
Your title and heading tags (H1, H2 and H3) are the most important factors that can influence your search engine ranking.
Now the last line of post must also contain the keyword website.