Celebrities Entertainment Hollywood Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga poses For Formula One New Delhi

US pop star Lady Gaga have arrived on saturday evening at new delhi. She have come to celebrate the formula 1 racing team and to perform in after party event. Here are some pics and information about the events in which lady gaga perform.

US pop star Lady Gaga poses for photographers at the beginning of a press conference at a local hotel in New Delhi on October 28, 2011. Lady Gaga will perform at a Formula One after-party as part of India’s debut on the F1 circuit.

US pop star Lady Gaga sips from a cup as she attends a press conference at a local hotel in New Delhi on October 28, 2011.

US pop star Lady Gaga wears the national Indian colors in her dyed hair.

US pop star Lady Gaga is focused on by photographers.

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