Al-Isrāʼ (Arabic: الإسراء, lit. ‘The Night Journey’) or Banī Isrāʼīl (بني إسرائيل, ‘The Children of Israel’) is the 17th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran, with 111 verses (āyāt). It is about Isra and the Children of Israel. And be humble with them out of mercy, and pray, “My Lord! Be merciful to them as they… Continue reading Surah Al Isra – Surah 17:24
Umar Ibn al- Khattab – A great Caliph the world ever seen
Umar Ibn al-Khattab was a great caliph and father in law of prophet Muhammad s a w. He is also known as Al Farooq that means a person who can identify the right and wrong. He conquered Persia. He was considered as the best sahaba ever lived. He born and brought up in mecca. His… Continue reading Umar Ibn al- Khattab – A great Caliph the world ever seen
Surah Al Kahf in Hindi – Surah 18
Surah Al Kahaf In Hindi बिस्मिल्ला-हिर्रहमा-निर्रहीम 1. अल हम्दुलिल लाहिल लज़ी अन्ज़ला अला अब दिहिल किताबा वलम यज अल लहू इवाजा 2. क़य्यिमल लियुन्ज़िरा बअ’सन शदीदम मिल लदुन्हु व युबश शिरल मुअ’मिनीनल लज़ीना यअ मलूनस सालिहाति अन्न लहुम अजरं हसना 3. मा किसीन फीहि अबदा 4. व युनज़िरल लज़ीना क़ालुत तखज़ल लाहू वलदा 5. मा… Continue reading Surah Al Kahf in Hindi – Surah 18
Angels- A nurul creation of Allah
Angels are the wonderful creations of almighty. They are believed to be created from the nur which means form of light. They always worship Allah. They don’t drink or eat. They accounts our good deeds and sins. They capture our souls during death. They reveal the information to the prophets from Allah. They are supposed… Continue reading Angels- A nurul creation of Allah
Islam – A religion of Muslim
Islam means submission to God. Allah is lord. Prophet Muhammad s a w is the last prophet. Muslims should love prophet Muhammad s a w the most than themselves. The father is Adam a s and the mother Hawwa a s. Both were the primitive creation of Allah.… Continue reading Islam – A religion of Muslim
Dua After Hearing Adhan
अल्लाहुम्मा रब्बा हाज़ीहिल दावती-त-ताम्मति वस्सलातिल कायिमति आती मुहम्मद नील वसिलता वल फ़ज़ीलत वब’असहू मक़ामम महमूद निल्ल्जी व्’अत्तहू (इन्नका ला तुखलिफुल मीआद)
Adhan in Hindi English
Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said, “Whenever you hear the Adhan, say what the Mu’adh-dhin is saying. Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 612 In-book reference : Book 10, Hadith 10
25 Prophets names mentioned in Holy Quran, and their Ages
List of Holy Prophets Names with their ages which are mentioned in Quran and Islam. Faith is one of the pillars of Islam and we believe in all 124,000 Prophets whom Allah had sent for the guidance of people. Here we have a list of 25 Prophets named in the Holy Quran, and their ages,… Continue reading 25 Prophets names mentioned in Holy Quran, and their Ages
Ayatul Kursi in Hindi
1. अल्लाहु ला इलाहा इल्लाहू
2. अल हय्युल क़य्यूम
3. ला तअ’खुज़ुहू सिनतुव वला नौम
4. लहू मा फिस सामावाति वमा फ़िल अर्ज़
5. मन ज़ल लज़ी यश फ़ऊ इन्दहू इल्ला बि इजनिह
6. यअलमु मा बैना अयदी हिम वमा खल्फहुम
7. वला युहीतूना बिशय इम मिन इल्मिही इल्ला बिमा शा..अ
8. वसिअ कुरसिय्यु हुस समावति वल अर्ज़
9. वला यऊ दुहू हिफ्ज़ुहुमा
10. वहुवल अलिय्युल अज़ीम
Surah Feel in Hindi – Surah 105
सूरह फ़ील हिन्दी में बिस्मिल्ला-हिर्रहमा-निर्रहीम 1. अलम तरा कैफा फअला रब्बुका बि अस हाबिल फील 2. अलम यज अल कैदहूम फ़ी तजलील 3. व अरसला अलैहिम तैरन अबाबील 4. तरमीहीम बि हिजारतिम मिन सिज्जील 5. फजा अलहुम का अस्फिम माकूल Surah Feel In English Bismilla Hir Rahma Nir Rahaeem 1. Alam Tara Kaifa Fa Ala… Continue reading Surah Feel in Hindi – Surah 105